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Saarländischer Rundfunk: "Max Jungmann from Saarland at the Climate Change Conference"

On November 4, 2022, the Saarländicher Rundfunk (SR) published an article with our CEO Dr. Max Jungmann, who will attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) as an official observer from Heidelberg University. This year's COP27 will take place from November 6 to 18 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

Dr. Jungmann will be there to observe the negotiations in progress, determine what needs to be done, speak with key decision-makers, and attend COP-related events.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Event: How do you make your company fit for the future with sustainability?

On September 2, 2022, our CEO Dr. Max Jungmann will be in a joint event of Momentum Novum, the network "Social Responsibility of the Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Commerce and Industry" and the KLIMA ARENA talking about sustainability in business and explaining topic-related questions raised by participants.

The event is designed for decision-makers and project managers who are looking for an introduction as well as to deepen their knowledge in the field of sustainability in all aspects.

The event is free of charge and will take place online. For more information on the program and registration:

Sustainable Tourism: Seven "17-Target Tours for Sustainability" in the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region

On July 18, 2022, the kick-off event of one of the projects we have been working on the past months together with Engagement Global gGmbH and the Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar took place in the Klima Arena in Sinsheim: the 17-Ziele Touren für Nachhaltigkeit - global.lokal.erleben ("17-target tours for sustainability - global.local.experience"). We have created 7 sustainable tourism tours through the counties of the Rhine-Neckar region.

Soon there will be more information and dates for the free tours!

Scenario Workshop: The Future of Climate Action

In June 2022, our CEO, Dr. Max Jungmann facilitated an interactive scenario workshop on "The Future of Climate Action" at the Hasso Plattner Institute in New York City. The workshop was organized by the German Center for Research and Innovation, HPI and Heidelberg University Association New York. Participants used innovative techniques to develop potential future pathways for climate action until the year 2045.  

Images by Sawyer Roque

Geneva Health Forum

Session on Climate Action at the Geneva Health Forum

In May 2022, our CEO, Dr. Max Jungmann, moderated a session on “the impact of climate change on health: what is the scale of the problem and what action to take” at the Geneva Health Forum. Panelists included Dr. Maria Neira, Director of the Department of Public Health, Environment and Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organization, Prof. Dr. Gueladio Cissé from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, and other distinguished speakers.

New Paper: Zooming-in for climate action—hyperlocal greenhouse gas data for mitigation action?

Our CEO Dr. Max Jungmann together with members of the Climate Action Science project have published a new paper on the potential of high-resolution greenhouse gas data. They discuss whether a window of opportunity for more effective climate action is emerging due to the convergence of new scientific and technological opportunities to provide high-resolution information on GHG emissions and emerging polycentric governance forms.


"Race without winners"  - Interview to the Ruprecht Heidelberg Student Newspaper

The ruprecht conducted an interview with  Dr. Sanam Vardag, physicist at the Institute for Environmental Physics Heidelberg and Dr. Maximilian Jungmann about the content and implications of the latest part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report published on April 2022.

Interview excerpt (originally in German):

"Does the report also analyze what certain companies or certain governments have already implemented and how effective that was, or is that not part of the report?

Jungmann: That happens in parallel. Governments have to report under the UNFCCC process on what measures they have already taken, what their targets are, and re-define that on a regular basis. In the case of companies, there is no consolidated mechanism yet, but there are some systems that have emerged from private or civil society initiatives. It is also all the more important that one does not just start from the inventory, but that one also measures, for example, concentrations and how they are distributed, for example, with satellite technologies."

Follow-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow: Lessons learned from COP26

Event on December 15, 2021.

After attending  COP26 World Climate Conference, Dr. Jungmann presented what has been achieved by the Member States, where the biggest obstacles are to still reach the 1.5 degree target, and what we can expect from the COP27 in 2022.


Mannheimer Morgen: "Climate Protection - Heidelberg University Observer Delegation Returns from Climate Protection Conference in Glasgow with Diverse Impressions - Neither complete success nor complete failure"

In this  interview with the regional daily newspaper Mannheimer Morgen, Dr. Max Jungmann synthesized the results of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and explained what we can expect from the road ahead to the 27th international climate change conference in Sharm El Sheikh in 2022. 

SR MEDIATHEK: "'Mixed feelings after Glasgow"


"In an interview with SR moderator Roland Kunz, political scientist Dr. Maximilian Jungmann drew a mixed conclusion to the World Climate Summit in Glasgow. There had been "progress in the details," but overall, too few states were "doing what needs to be done." In Germany, Jungmann said, the "traffic light" coalition now has "the historic opportunity to incorporate what was agreed in Glasgow directly into the coalition negotiations" and "to use the transformation process for its own benefit. We" would have to transform our economy "anyway," Jungmann said."

POLITICO: "'Worth a shot: Speeding Covid vaccines to conflict zones"



Interview excerpt:

"Jungmann said the issue of health outcomes from climate change “is definitely much higher up on the agenda than it used to be.”

Issues of climate-linked health risks are not only gaining steam in the conference but also — maybe to a greater degree — in events and protests outside of the official events, he said.

“The World Health Organization for the first time ever has its own booth at the COP,” he said. “It's very, very present in influencing the agenda. But when we’re talking about actual outcomes — outcomes as part of we’re expecting as a resolution or an agreement ... I barely found any significant proposal yet, for example, on strengthening funding for health research."

Mannheimer Morgen: "Climate Protection - Heidelberg Delegation to Glasgow - Many questions still open"


In November 2021, our CEO Dr. Max Jungmann participated in the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow. This newspaper article explains his role at the international conference as well as the expectations before the event took place.

Heidelberg Center for the Environment: COP26- Official Side Event at the German Pavilion


The Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) delegation at this year's COP26 in Glasgow, UK, represented by HCE members Dr. Maximilian Jungmann, Prof. Dr. Rainer Sauerborn and Ms. Patricia Nayna Schwerdtle, will participate in the German Pavilion with an official side event on Climate Change and Health - Impacts and Adaptation Options for Vulnerable States in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The event will take place on Nov. 6 between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. GMT. Participation is free and can be followed online.


Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: "'Climate protection is a benefit for one's own life' - Heidelberg scientists are guests at UN conference in Glasgow"


Before their participation in the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the largest international climate change conference, the Rhein Neckar Zeitung interviewed the delegation from Heidelberg, which was led by Dr. Max Jungmann, our CEO. Based on the side event the delegation held at the German Pavillon at the COP, this newspaper discusses the effects of climate change on health, especially in Sub-Sahara Africa.

Saarbrücker Zeitung: Expert from Saarland on stopping climate change: "We have no alternative"


In this interview, our CEO, Dr. Max Jungmann about his task at the Climate Change Conference as well as the important topics expected to be discussed by state representatives, decision-makers, civil society, and organizations. He also talks about his work researching new challenges faced by health policy-makers due to climate change, how people perceive the climate change phenomenon and how we can turn challenges into opportunities through sustainability.

Sustainable Development in Action

Sustainability Development in Action es un evento anual organizado por el Centro de Heidelberg para el Medio Ambiente (HCE), la Universidad de Heidelberg y nosotros. El objetivo del evento es reunir a expertos internacionales y nacionales en sostenibilidad para discutir asuntos actuales y globales de sostenibilidad y sus conexiones con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Si te entusiasma desarrollar nuevas ideas para crear un mundo más sostenible, el SDiA es el evento perfecto para aprender más sobre las diversas dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible a través de laboratorios de acción, una simulación y talleres interactivos (talleres de startup, de escenarios y de design thinking).


Taiwanese-German Sustainability Exchange Program

El Programa de Intercambio de Sostenibilidad Taiwanés-Alemán es un programa de cinco días que se lleva a cabo en Alemania y que da lugar al intercambio internacional entre participantes alemanes y taiwaneses.

El programa aprovecha la oportunidad de reunir a dos líderes en materia de innovación y sostenibilidad para aplicar eficazmente los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de las Naciones Unidas mediante el diálogo birregional.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-09-16 um 1.30.32 PM.

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Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: "Sustainability Conference in Heidelberg - Science on the road: 100 students and professionals attended - ideas developed in workshops"

El Programa de Intercambio de Sostenibilidad Taiwanés-Alemán es un programa de cinco días que se lleva a cabo en Alemania y que da lugar al intercambio internacional entre participantes alemanes y taiwaneses.

El programa aprovecha la oportunidad de reunir a dos líderes en materia de innovación y sostenibilidad para aplicar eficazmente los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de las Naciones Unidas mediante el diálogo birregional.

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